Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q. What does the executive board spend PTO funds on? 

A. To see where the money goes CLICK HERE.


Q. What is the approval process for fund expenditure?  Who decides what gets purchased?

A. The PTO board receives requests from the school administration and PTO committee heads. See below.

School Administration Requests


Two-step process:
ONE: Teachers and staff submit requests to the school administration.  The school administration approves or declines the request.  The school makes every effort to ensure that each request is truly needed and does independent research looking for the most cost-effective way to meet their needs before approaching the PTO executive board with their teacher’s requests.


TWO: The PTO executive board receives the school requests during PTO executive board meetings. After the school administration representative presents their case for each request, the PTO board deliberates to see if each case has merit and then determines if the PTO can afford it. If it has merit, the board does a second round of research to find the most cost effective and quality items/services to fit the school’s needs and collaborates with the school as needed. They then take a vote as to whether or not to purchase.


PTO Committee Heads

Each year the executive board creates the budget for the year and allocates monies towards known expenditures (See #2 above) and to PTO committees.  Each PTO committee head is in charge of their own budget and sees to it that their committee members are spending the money appropriately.  If the PTO committee finds that they need more money than what is in their budget they can send in a request and the PTO board may or may not approve it.


Q. How can I help ensure the PTO is spending money in the most effective way possible? 

A. Easy! Join a PTO committee as a volunteer (even if it’s only for a few hours!) or better yet as a PTO committee head or run for a PTO board position. We are always in need of volunteers to help us be more efficient.


Q. What are the various PTO committees and how do I join one?

A. For PTO committees CLICK HERE.  You can join anytime by contacting the committee head or complete the volunteer form.


Q. What are sociables?
A. Learn all about sociables on our Fundraising page and FAQ for Sociables page.


Q. How are events, such as general PTO meetings scheduled?

A. The PTO board tries to schedule all events around parents’ schedules. Regarding all general PTO meetings, the board schedules all meeting and tries to accommodate all parents; those who stay at home, those who work, or both. Check the MIMS PTO calendar for current schedules.


Q. I have a concern I would like the PTO board to address. How do I get my voice heard? 

A. For concerns regarding education/curriculum at MIMS or involving the school contact your SDMC representative.  For all other concerns….

First, find the committee head who might be able to answer your question directly.  CLICK HERE to find the appropriate committee heads.  The best way to get your voice heard is to contact the person directly.

You can also write to the PTO board members directly with your questions and comments.


Q. I would like to claim a charitable donation tax deduction on my return for donating to MIMS PTO but I do not have a charitable donation receipt. Can I still claim the donation?

A. Yes, you may still qualify for the charitable donations tax deduction without the charitable donation receipt. … And, you must provide a bank record or a payroll-deduction record to claim the tax deduction. You need a receipt and other proof for both of these: Cash donations of $250 or more.
Reference: IRS Publication 1771, Charitable Contributions, Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements

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Thank you to our 2024-2025 Company Sponsors
















Thank you to our 2023-2024 Company Sponsors

Qilin Sponsors




 Rui Shi Sponsors







 Ox Sponsors








Crane Sponsors






Thank you to our 2023-2024 Family Sponsors

 Qilin Sponsors

Thomas Welsh & Family

Rui Shi Sponsors
Amelie & Abraham Chu

Flora & Ed Lai

Quynh & Charlie Vora

Reuben Family


Ox Sponsors

Adalyn & Clara Liu's Family

Alan Lee & Camille Chen

Bigelow Family

Chen Family, Aiden & Mindy

Cusick Family

Luchao & Scarlett with Eric Jin

Edison, Frank & Christina Lin

Gibson Family

Judy Liang

Dr. Jun Zhang

Family of Ming-Cheng Wang

Family of Jesse, Joseph & Elizabeth Chu

Nguyen Family

Pechacek Family

Ryan Zhu & Julia Zhu's Family

Crane Sponsors

Cavanaugh Family

Charles & Sophia Chiang

Elliot Kwok & Family

Family of Payton & James Tu

Gomelsky Family

Gonzalez & Aristizabal Family

 Justin Qi & Family

Kali & Leo Hun

Ortiz Family

Pei Family

Shaffer Family - Maxine & Madeline

Sofia and Orlando Avila

Stevie Vu

Wayne Chan & Annie Su

Wong Family

Friends of MIMS

Bludworth Family

Dr. Christina Fok

Emma's Doodle Art

Felicia & Nissa

Hawney Family

Jiang Family

Judy Chang & Adam Long

Kazu, Momo, Shinobu & Mark Gilbreth

Quigley Family

Ruan Family

Trinh Family

Vanessa Tu